Sweet Sherree ...

This is one of my BEST, most wonderful, BEAUTIFUL, sweet friends. Not to mention, EXTREMELY TALENTED! I LOVE HER! She is kind and funny. She is warm. She is there when you need her. See how she looks in this photo?? That is the EPITOME of SHERREE! She is a FABULOUS friend, and an AWESOME mom to her 8 beautiful children. Her oldest is about to be wed, and I was lucky enough to be invited to her bridal shower, and of course, I couldn't resist photo documenting the event. Sherree's daughter, Jacque, is GORGEOUS beyond words, (gets it from her mother!) and I LOVED photographing her. She has sweet friends who threw the shower for her, and lots of warm family members who were there to help her celebrate. I am glad I could join in the FUN, and I am looking forward to the wedding next weekend...
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